Is it too late to say…Happy New Year!

Gosh, doesn’t time fly! I cannot quite believe it has been seven months since I posted my last blog entry. Quite a bit has happened during the six months, including joining forces with the brilliance that is Annie Campell, who is a primary school teacher and neurodiversity advocate, and Beth Thomas, a certified ADHD Life coach.  Together we have formed the group ‘Support for neurodivergent educational professionals’, all three of us identify as neurodivergent, both Annie I bring our respective backgrounds in education to the group, and Beth brings her wealth of experience in coaching ADHDer’s and experience of running support groups on matters relating to neurodiversity and coaching in general. 

We welcome all who work in the education sector in the UK.

Get in touch if you would like to join us for our next session:

In January of this year, we ran our fourth session, the topic was on ‘reclaiming resilience’, those who attended the session shared their experiences and the topic provoked a lot of discussion, so much so, that I thought this would be a good opportunity to reignite the monthly blog post, to complement the support group sessions with a shortish, somewhat academic blog entry, hopefully by doing this we will be able to reach a wider audience of education professionals than those that are able to attend the live sessions.

I hope you find the post below on ‘reclaiming resilience’ helpful. If you are an education professional and you would like to join the support group, please get in touch via the contact form or email me direct at

The next session will take place on the 16th of February at 8.00pm. UK time.


Reclaiming ‘resilience’: viewing educational professional resilience through the lens of neurodiversity.


Don’t let the ‘cult of performativity’ get you down! Reflect, Recalibrate, and keep pushing on.