Part 2: Reasonable adjustments, and the Access to Work Scheme: How can both benefit neurodivergent educators.

I want to start by stating reasonable adjustment requests are separate from the AtW application requests. The former is a requirement under the Public Sector Equality Duty - General Duty, of the Equality Act 2010, and is a legal obligation for the public sector employer to adhere to. The AtW scheme is a publicly funded government grant in place to assist disabled people to either start or stay in employment.

The following suggestions are in no way intended to suggest a ‘one size fits all’ approach to the individual requirements of neurodivergent educators, the suggestions are more of a springboard for neurodivergent educators to think about what might work for them. There is often a misconception that neurodivergent people know exactly what RAs they need and what to ask for in an AtW application, which is often not the case particularly for those that have been late diagnosed, be that formally or, self-diagnosed.

For ease I have presented below in list form, RAs a school, college, or university employer could provide on request. In a separate list there are further axillary aids and services that could be requested via the AtW scheme.

Reasonable adjustments (employer to provide):

  • Designated classroom, if not possible then limit timetabling to classrooms on one corridor. For university lecturers, consider hybrid contact time, allowing lecturer to hold in-person and on-line lectures and seminars.

  • Two monitors to be provided at department desk, and a further two to be provided for home use.

  • Where possible request a timetable with decompression breaks.

  • If a teacher is not timetabled in the morning or in the afternoon sessions, they could be provided the option to arrive at work later or leave once they have completed their contact hours.

  • During peak times - mock exam marking time, open days, parents’ evenings, student enrolment, allow some flexibility from core non-teaching duties such as afterschool clubs, department meetings (record the meeting or put the key takeaways in an email) etc.

  • Additional support with exam administration.

Access to Work requests:

  • Virtual assistant to assist in the organising of administrative tasks and to support in the creation of teaching materials.

  • Remarkable 2 Tablet to make handwritten notes that can easily be converted to a digital file. A useful tool for planning lessons on the go. As a teacher I would often have moments of inspiration on lesson material while traveling to work on the train. The Remarkable 2 is a lightweight tablet, so perfect for on-the-go inspiration!

  • Neurodiversity workplace coaching.

  • Personal coaching to assist in supporting and guiding neurodivergent educators on recognising the unique strengths of their neurotype, and to guide them in the practice of self-care.  

  • Planning software, particularly designed for educationalists – mind mapping software.

  • Text-to-speech software.

  • Dictation pen which records hand-written notes and coverts into electronic text.

  • Noise cancelling headphones for use in shared department office.

  • Noise sensitivity earplugs to reduce background noise and the distracting noise of classroom room/lecture halls.

  • Training on software and equipment purchased.

  • Neurodiversity awareness training for managers and colleagues.

If you are an education employer, please do get in touch if you would like to find out more about how to accommodate the uniqueness and brilliance of your neurodivergent teaching workforce.
— Dr A O'Dwyer

If you are a neurodivergent educator, I hope this information helps you to think about what would work for you. If you are an education employer, please do get in touch if you would like to find out more about how to accommodate the uniqueness and brilliance of your neurodivergent teaching workforce.

With thanks to the “Support Group for Neurodivergent Educational Professionals” for providing some of the examples above. If you are a neurodivergent educator and would like to join the support group, please drop me an email:


Part 1: Let's talk about the 'Department for Work & Pensions: Access to Work Scheme (AtW)'...


Ableism: Strengths, Struggles & Reclaiming Autonomy