Blog from Dr Annemarie O'Dwyer
Embracing neurodiversity…
This blog provides suggestions and guidance to aid the further education sector on how to accommodate its neurodivergent teaching professionals, and promote a neuro-inclusive workplace.
Be an ally – your neurodivergent teachers need you to ‘have their back’
It is within the gift of all school and college employers to become an ally of neurodivergent teachers. This blog discusses what it is to be an ally, and provides a couple of suggestions on what allyship could look like in a teaching environment.
Recruiting neurodivergent talent: The application pack how to make it more inclusive.
Three ‘gems’ when recruiting neurodivergent teachers. Three short and simple ideas on how to make the recruitment pack more inclusive.
Lesson observation and the neurodivergent teacher…
The lesson observation process and the neurodivegent teacher. Some helpful suggestions on how neurodivergent teachers can be accommodated through the performative expectations of lesson observations.
Disclosure – how to encourage an open and pragmatic approach…
If a neurodivergent teacher chooses to disclose, it is often not a one-time event, and often they enter into a ‘cycle of disclosure’. Read on for some suggestions on how the process can be made that little bit easier.
To declare, or not to declare. That is the question.
Should a teacher declare they are neurodivergent? There is no simple right or wrong answer here, often the decision to declare is influenced by a persons personal and professional experiences of how others have responded to their neurodivergence.